Relocating from the place one lives in to somewhere new in search of better opportunities and livelihood is the most life-changing decision one can take. An international migrant refers to a person residing outside the country they were born in.
Crossing borders and positioning oneself in the global landscape in search of work, higher education or permanent residency is a giant leap. Finding the most trusted consultants to make the application and paper work hassle free can be an arduous task.
Professionals equipped with experience, providing the right assistance and services at My Immigration Help ( ) offer immigration and visa services with almost a hundred percent Visa Success Rate.
The Genesis:
Life is a journey and My Immigration Help caters to all immigration and visa related services by carefully designing a roadmap for their clients to the country of their choice,promising a safe and secure environment. They are a highly specialised organisation based in Australia, dealing with skilled visa, employer sponsored visa, family visas and tribunal work and specialise in offering immigration and visa servicesfor Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Australia is a thriving economy and the most preferred destination by migrants across the world. With good air quality, a pleasant environment and multi-cultural society, Australia has a lot to offer in terms of opportunities.
Canada’s educational framework makes it the most go-to destination for students. With an easy application procedure, safe and peaceful quality life, Canada tops the list in being the most welcoming to new comers. On the other hand, New Zealand is known for its outstanding work life balance, economic opportunities and scenic views.
With a significantly decent lifestyle, diverse population, educational institutions and well-paying jobs these places welcome new comers with open arms. My Immigration Help is focused on aiding people from developing countries to take the leap of faith and make their dreams come true. They have an exceptional track record of almost a hundred percent visa success rate.
My Immigration Help is a licensed, registered entity with immigration authorities in Australia, Canada and New Zealand providing prospective immigrants with the best possible visa application to move a step closer to their dreams.
Unlike most immigration consultants operating in various parts of the world, My Immigration Help has reached a milestone of global recognition with clients from over fifty countries in Asia, Africa and South America.
The Strategist:
Mr. Sanjayai Kapoor is a Registered Migration Agent and a Licensed Immigration adviser who additionally has a vast experience of 15 years in sales and recruitment. Having lived across different locations around the world, after migrating from India to Australia, Mr. Sanjayai Kapoor embarked on the journey of starting his own immigration consultancy business.
Mr. Kapoor believes that almost 99% of the immigration consultants operating in various parts of India, Pakistan, Nepal have no authorised License or Registration with the immigration authorities for which they are offering services. He is of the opinion that most consultants have no registration with OMARA ( and are offering immigration services for Australia as a result of which, fraud and looting people of their hard earned money is wide spread.
Started in early June 2010, My Immigration Help ( began with an aim to offer quality services and cost effective assistance to clients and equip them with relevant information in order to prepare them for their life-changing decision. Mr. Kapoor also specialises in Australian and New Zealand migration law with a diverse experience of over twenty-five years in Immigration, FMCG Sales, International Trade and Recruitment making his clients experience a memorable and unforgettable one.